PROBLEM: I purchased a Ukash voucher and when
I tried to use it on a
poker site, I received an
error that the amount that I am entering is incorrect. I
checked with Ukash and they verified that the amount is correct,
what is the problem?
SOLUTION: Take you receipt and your voucher back to the location where you purchased the Ukash voucher from. Most likely the vendor rang the voucher up for the wrong amount. Request the vendor to call Ukash directly to confirm the amount of your voucher matches your receipt and in all probability, they will have to ring up a new voucher for you and the new voucher will work.
Also, make sure that you are entering the amount in the correct currency on the Web site, and also, be certain that your 19 digit PIN code is properly inputted on the site that you are trying you cash in your voucher. Remember if you use a partial amount of your voucher, you will receive a new 19 digit PIN code so make sure that you are entering the correct PIN code in.
Some Ukash customers have experienced some sites issue errors when they use the decimal point and others that require it. If you are experiencing an error related to the amount of the voucher and Ukash has confirmed the correct amount, try different variations of the amount with and without the decimal point. For example, “20.00” versus “20”. If you are certain that your voucher amount is correct and that your PIN code is correct, you can also try contacting the Web site administrator for support.
If your voucher amount ends up being an odd amount with some cents due to currency conversion, try entering in your voucher amount without the cents. Some users at Ukash poker sites have experienced success in dropping the change when entering in their voucher amounts.
Lastly, following are some common sense points that are often overlooked by Ukash customers:
Make sure that the expiration date on your voucher has not
Verify the voucher amount. This is easiest done on the Ukash
Web site or by calling their Customer Service.
Be sure you are entering in your voucher amount in the correct currency. If you need to convert your currency to Euros, use the conversion tool on Ukash’s Web site to make sure that you are converting to the appropriate amount.
PROBLEM: The amount of my voucher is not what I paid. What happened?
SOLUTION: If you have verified with Ukash that the amount of your voucher is the amount that you believe to be incorrect, there are two possible ways that could have happened. Check with the merchant that you purchased the voucher from and ask them to match the voucher to the amount on your payment receipt. The other way that there could be a discrepancy in your amount is if you PIN number was compromised.
Be sure to keep you PIN number in a safe location because anyone who is able to obtain your PIN number can access your funds. If you feel that your PIN number has been compromised, the easiest way to get a new PIN number is to split your voucher up which would result in new PIN numbers for each amount. Please refer to the Ukash Web site or contact Ukash customer service for additional assistance.
Many users experience these sorts of difficulties if they purchase their Ukash vouchers in the secondary market, as opposed to an authorized retailer. Although there is a healthy market of Ukash vouchers being sold and traded online in forums and on independent Web sites, purchasing from such sources comes with it’s own set of risks. Remember that purchasing Ukash vouchers from any secondary market is risky because the original purchaser can still access the funds from the voucher with the PIN number of the voucher.
Even in instances where buyers have changed the PIN by splitting the vouchers, there have been cases of te vouchers losing their value due to malpractice from the original seller in retrieving PIN codes with the original purchase receipt. The best thing is to obtain vouchers from players that you trust, or from an authorized retailer to avoid any difficulties with missing funds.
PROBLEM: When I tried to use my voucher to fund my poker account, I received an Internal Server Error. What is going on?
SOLUTION: The first thing to do when you receive such an error it to verify that the PIN code that you are entering is correct. Some players have found that PIN codes with inverted numbers somewhere in the code could cause such errors on some systems. Additionally, verify the amount of your voucher, easiest done on the Ukash Web site.
Often times when funding accounts at online poker sites, “Internal Server Errors” are caused from the gaming site, and not Ukash. There could be a discrepancy in the information that you are entering, or there could be a problem with the server of the gaming site you are trying to fund.
After you verify all of the information you are entering into the system, check with the Web site administrator of the site that you are trying to fund to see if they can offer you any assistance. If you are not receiving support from the site, trying using your funds on a different site. If you are able to successfully fund your account on another site, most likely, the problem lied within the gaming site and their system.
PROBLEM: I have tried everything and nothing seems to work – why is my voucher not working?
SOLUTION: There are seldom occasions when systems are temporarily out of service. Check the announcements of the gaming site that you are trying to play at to see if there is some reason that they are unable to temporarily accept Ukash payments, and also check the official ukash website for any announcements that may pertain to your transaction. In most cases when such disruptions occur, they are for very short periods of time, so be patient and your game play will continue before you know it!